For the past 5 years Blake Worrell has been internationally recognized for his awards in filmmaking, acknowledged by ACS, AFI, and AACTA. Some of his YouTube videos have reached over 5 million views.
Blake Worrell has been worked on and off in editing for the past 20 years.
His most recent work includes a feature film in which he has also wrote and directed with is wife Arly Jover. The passion for storytelling shows in his work as he is naturally draws the viewers in.
Having lived in New York, London, Barcelona, Paris, and Berlin, Blake Worrell not only has the experiences of international lifestyles, but also languages. He speaks Spanish, German, French, and Portuguese. Overall, having a strong musical background has empowered him to adapt and improvise to his various surroundings in life.
"I love films that give us experiences which make us more empathic; more human."
DaVinci Resolve 18 is the world’s only complete post-production solution that lets everyone work together on the same project at the same time around the globe! Each creator gets their own dedicated workspace with the tools they need to do their job. Everything is tied together and managed by a powerful multi-user database, universal timeline and advanced image and sound processing engines so editors, colorists, VFX artists, animators and sound engineers can all work together on the same project and at the same time. That means you no longer have to wait for the editor to lock picture, you no longer have to deal with importing and exporting files, translating projects, losing work, or conforming and managing changes. Go to BlackMagic